Saturday, July 24, 2010

Back Blogging!

It’s been a while, but I’m back blogging! Seven months have passed since I’ve added a post, I feel awful. I’ve seen, heard and learned so much in seven months. I’ve become much more comfortable in my NYC surroundings. I’ve adjusted to my neighborhood and I even have a handle on the MTA (Metro Transit Authority/Subway). I traveled heavily from Christmas until June, much of that travel to Ohio of course but have spent all of July in the city and it’s been wonderful. I will try to catch up on as many of my observations as possible but I’ll start from the most recent and work my way backwards. I will divulge that these thoughts may get a little random at times. Seven months is a lot to catch up on but I will do my best. I hope to be a little more diligent about my posts but I won’t stress about it. I look forward to sharing my experience with those faithful ones still reading.
Cleveland or NYC; You Decide…

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