Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Periodicals and the Sex Diaries

Mom, relax, this post isn’t bad you can read on. I will keep this as g-rated as possible since my mom and more importantly my dad read this blog.
So let’s talk about Cleveland first this time. There has been a lot of discussion around the country about the decline print media. Many may argue that the decline has been accelerated in Northeast Ohio. There’s my hometown publications The Vindicator http://www.vindy.com/ and The Buckeye Review (yikes). Aside from seeing a family member or maybe yourself in these publications, they are not the best. As you move around Northeast Ohio in Akron there’s the Akron Beacon Journal http://www.ohio.com/ which though it isn’t the best has some really solid journalist with very interesting articles. It keeps you informed which I guess is the point, right? Then in Cleveland there are several papers and magazine arguably most popular or well known being the Cleveland Plain Dealer www.cleveland.com. The Dealer has gone through many changes during my two years in Cleveland and is often the discussion of many forums and events throughout the city. This is another publication that though it has its shortcoming has some great journalist and keeps you informed. I’ll admit I don’t scribe to any of these publications and can’t remember the last time I had a hard copy, I read them all online.

Then there are various Cleveland magazines, my favorite being the new Canvas Magazine http://canvascleveland.com/. It isn’t my favorite because I’ve been in it or because I’m a good friend of the Editor and Chief Jay Bobo, my it’s my favorite because of the quality of writing, interest level and range of topics and overall professionalism associated with the final product. It has a great web presence too, especially since it's essentially a one man show. I truly think it’s going to revive print media in NEO. The fact that it’s free and is provided as a true source of information and entertainment to the community helps a lot. There are other publications: Cleveland Magazine, Scene, Kaleidoscope, and the Free Times to name a few. All of these publications are cool but none of them compare to the amazing New York Magazine http://nymag.com/.

My boss insisted that I read the NY magazine each week. Initially I was a little annoyed since I couldn’t figure out how I was going to get it read in addition to all the reading I have to get done for work. (I haven’t been reading the way I should since grad school, no excuse). Anyway, I started reading and loved it. The writing is impeccable and witty and a little sarcastic which I like. The articles are incredibly interesting and it’s a great way to stay informed of everything NY from politics, to theater to concerts and parties.

Then I discovered the Sex Diaries http://nymag.com/news/features/sexdiaries/2009/60297/?imw=Y&f=most-viewed-24h10. OMG! I was up until 6:00 am last Friday night (I didn’t get in until 4:45, the drought is not that bad yet) reading these damn things. The SD’s are a critical (but highly sympathetic) reading of New Yorkers’ sexual habits and anxieties says the tagline on the website. This thing is unbelievable. Let me give you a quick passage from The Trader Who Will Fly for Sex.
12:32 p.m. The hubby keeps annoying me with texts. Decide to humor him. After all, he is letting me have sex with his wife.
8:20 p.m. We meet at T.G.I. Friday’s. Wifey looks like her pics, which is good. Hubby seems a little nervous. I act like I’ve known them forever—give him a hearty handshake, kiss her on the cheeks. We order drinks and talk.
9 p.m. Back at the hotel. We are both undressing wifey. She has massive breasts, which I love. I play with them. Hubby is naked, playing and taking pics.
9:30 p.m. Wifey ****-******* me … awesome. Hubby alternates between taking pics and encouraging her.
10 p.m. We have sex in a variety of positions. While it feels good, there is no way I am losing control. That is a big swinging no-no, unless the couple wants that.
11 p.m. Halfhearted sex for the second round, but I am tired. I dutifully take the camera for a bit.
11:30 p.m. Saying our good-byes. I tell them to keep in touch and send me the pics so I can store/post them on my AFF profile.
WHAT?!?!? Then there’s the Ex-Banker Living on Alcohol, Hook-ups, and Unemployment. This one was the juiciest and note this is just a snippet.

1 a.m. With friends at Marquee, where I catch the eye of a handsome boy in an Hermès tie and immediately start eye-B.J.-ing him. He is a 28-year-old M.D. who graduated from Yale. He buys me SoCo-lime shots and I tell him that 28 years old is too young to be an M.D. He responds that he’s just that good.
4 a.m. He asks me to come back to his place and I’m skeptical, but he says he lives on Park Avenue with his older brothers. He has me at “Park Avenue.”
5:30 a.m. Sitting in his penthouse apartment, he opens a bottle of Dom and we watch South Park—that should have been the first sign. We pass out in his room. I think we hook up.
8 a.m. He freaks out and asks me to leave. When I get home, I look him up on Facebook and see that he graduated HIGH SCHOOL in 2009. He is 17 YEARS OLD and it was his parents’ penthouse.
WOW?!?!? I imagine this is enough of a preview to get a few readers and maybe a comment or two. I’ll admit it, I love it and I’m hooked. I bet you didn’t see this one coming, well here you go. My final thought. Cleveland print/web media give us some new exciting material, may the sex chronicles of the restless and their sex patterns in City.
Cleveland or NYC, You Decide…

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