This is a bit of a different post. As I mentioned in my intro, I’m a part of an organization called the Great Lakes Urban Exchange. GLUE is a coalition comprised of post-boomer urbanists located in the "rustbelt," was founded to promote the power, aide in the positive transformation, and address the shared challenges of similarly-storied older industrial cities situated in the Great Lakes watershed. Among the ranks of GLUE coalition members are community organizers, urban planners, artists, environmentalists, entrepreneurs, and students living and working in over twenty cities in ten states.
GLUE was developed in the fall of 2007 as a forum for people to exchange stories, ideas, and best practices between otherwise isolated cities ranging from Buffalo to St. Louis to Minneapolis. The GLUE coalition, comprised of post-boomer urbanists located in the "rustbelt," was founded to promote the power, aide in the positive transformation, and address the shared challenges of similarly-storied older industrial cities situated in the Great Lakes watershed.
GLUE has done amazing work in its near two year existence. There have been amazing conference, expert sessions and calls, monthly meetings, and civic and social gatherings. GLUE has partnered with an solicited support from some of the most respected organizations in the country. GLUE participants are dedicated citizens and leaders of post industrial rust belt cities that love and believe in this area. I would like to share an amazing event and campaign that is coming up in Cleveland called “I Will Stay If”.
The IWSI campaign is campaign to share with our city and state leadership, in all sectors, a new take on what our cities need in order to be successful. And we want that new take to come directly and unfiltered from the people who are living and working here every day.
As GLUE has gotten to know thousands people across the region, we've learned that what you care about isn't just cooler coffee houses and music venues. Rather, it's a long-term, sustainable and equitable vision for your city.
The I Will Stay If... campaign will aggregate and share, via a powerful visual format, YOUR ideas for our cities. We look at each of the photos we collect as mini-stories. And we want your voice to play a role in shaping the larger stories of our cities.
I’m sure NYC has some great organizations and events like this but I’m feeling good about this one. For more information visit:
Cleveland or NYC, You Decide…